2015 Awards for contractors excelling in Health and Safety
7 September 2015Our goal is to see Cantabrians back in safe and quality homes, or settle their claims, as quickly as possible. For the repairs and rebuilds we manage as part of our programme, the safety and wellbeing of those working on and visiting each site is our priority.
Supreme Court Judgment: Southern Response Earthquake Services Ltd V Avonside Holdings Ltd
27 July 2015Given the doubt arising from the respective rulings between the High Court and the Court of Appeal in this case, we considered it important to have the law clarified by the Supreme Court, and are pleased that this has now taken place.
Continued Government support for Southern Response
13 July 2015Last week's Scoop article about continued Government support for Southern Response is available
Understanding processes during or after repairs
9 July 2015The In the Know Hub’s latest seminar, Understanding processes during or after repairs, was held last week and was presented by Southern Response and Arrow.
Detailed Repair/Rebuild Analysis (DRA) in the news
28 May 2015You may have seen coverage in the media regarding information we provide to our customers - in particular, the Detailed Repair/Rebuild Analysis (DRA) which records the building elements of your home and the earthquake damage sustained.
Repair pre-construction meeting
21 April 2015The second instalment in Mary and Malcolm’s repair story details their pre-construction meeting with the contractor, Milne Construction.
Residential Advisory Service for Cantabrians extended
21 April 2015Confirmation of continued funding of the Residential Advisory Service (RAS) means that more residents will have access to free, impartial advice to help them get their home repaired or rebuilt.
Earthquake support hub to open at Eastgate next week
16 April 2015The In the Know Hub is a new community-led initiative opening next week at Eastgate Shopping Centre. The hub will be the place to go to ask questions to help you better understand the repair or rebuild process, connect with the right people and get the assistance you need to move forward.
Lorraine’s rebuild continues
2 April 2015We continue to follow the progress of Lorraine’s home as it is being built by Jennian Homes in our rebuild programme.
Central city character home restoration
30 March 2015The following video features the first part of the story of a home repair in our programme, an historic 1890s villa in the Christchurch CBD.
Cash settlements in the news
22 March 2015You may have recently read about IAG’s decision on cash settling customers in the pre-contract stage and heard speculation on whether this approach will be adopted by other insurers.
Reflecting on Allyn & Josie's story
6 March 2015Their family has been through a lot since the earthquakes, and after a bit of a rocky start to their claim process, things quickly got back on track once everyone started working together.
News for our customers can be found here.